

She has the sympathy,
that she didn’t even know.
She has the patience,
that even she didn’t understand.
She has the sensitivity,
that she didn’t even feel.
It is intensely malleable,
full of desire,
with several possibilities,
full of sensitivities,
and with several personalities,
it always has many choices but only one will.

She carries a little bit of everyone inside her, almost the world,
and her will seems alien to what she is always talking about,
always full of ideas.
That are always doomed to fail.

Mas uma das minhas poesias em inglês a definição poética dela!

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Bruna aqui

Seja bem vindo ao Palavras Inconstantes, onde coleciono minhas emoçoes atuais e mais antigas em palavras, aqui tem tudo que me inspira e me forma como escritora e ser humano em evolução, espero que se sinta abraçado pelas minhas palavras.

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